Involuntary Mental Health Treatment - Order for Examination/Transport of a Minor

Filing Procedures -
Involuntary Mental Health Treatment – Order for Examination/Transport of a Minor


Important Note: For general information about getting help for someone who may need mental health treatment, call the Detroit-Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) at (313) 833-2500 or visit their website at

  1. Fill out the following forms:
  2. i. PCM240m, Petition Regarding Transport of Minor
    Video instructions for filling out PCM240m
    ii. MC 97, Protected Personal Identifying Information
    iii. WCPC 99 Petitioner Filing Coversheet

    Note: A valid phone number and email address MUST be included on the Coversheet so that the Court can contact you regarding the date and time of your hearing. If this information is not included, the Court will be unable to contact you.

    Important Note: You MUST use these forms; you cannot draft your own document.

  3. File your petition via email to:; indicate “Emergency” in the subject line, or in person at the court.

  4. Submit your completed documents to the Court in the following order (as one PDF):
    i. WCPC 99 Petitioner Filing Coversheet
    ii. PCM240m, Petition for Mental Health Treatment
    iii.MC 97, Protected Personal Identifying Information
    There is NO Filing Fee

  5. Hearing
    i. Once your petition is processed you will be sent hearing information, including ZOOM instructions.
    ii. Hearings for mental health petitions related to the order for transport are usually held within a day of filing, if contact information is readily available.
    iii.You must attend the ZOOM hearing or your petition will be dismissed.

  6. After the Hearing

    i. If the Judge grants the Order Regarding Transport of Minor, you will receive the completed paperwork via email.
    ii. Call 911 (Detroit only) or visit your local police precinct to arrange for the minor to be transported to a crisis center.

    Note: The Order is valid up to its expiration date.

    Click here for additional information on the entire involuntary mental health treatment process.

Rev. 9/18/2024