Pleadings that may be dropped off in the Attorney Drop Box located next to the Attorney Clerks in Room 1307


Note: The Court is closed to the public due to the health emergency. Items may be filed via email (, FAX (313-967-4030), or mail.

Please Note: If you would like a copy of any of these items, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope and the applicable fee.

o       Annual Account, including Final Accounts

o       Applications

o       Petitions for Probate

o       Small Estates

o       Inventories

o       All Miscellaneous Subsequent Petitions

o       Notice of Continued Administration

o       Petition for Complete Estate Settlement

o       Proof of Service (without a hearing date) (may be filed via fax, using filing cover   sheet)

o       Sworn Closing Statement (may be filed via fax, using filing cover sheet)

o       Certificate of Completion (may be filed via fax, using filing cover sheet)

o       Verification of Funds\Proof of Restricted Account (may be filed via fax, using filing cover sheet)

o       General Filings that are not Pleadings and Require no Further Action. 

You are encouraged to mail Annual Reports on Condition of Ward to the Court as stated on the Pre-Notice; otherwise, they may be filed via fax using the filing cover sheet or in person with any department in the Court.

Rev. 4/21